14 Temmuz 2010 Çarşamba

Hagia Sofhia Museum(Ayasofya Muzeum)

       Hagia Sophia (Turkish: Ayasofya, from the Greek: Ἁγία Σοφία, "Holy Wisdom"; Latin: Sancta Sophia or Sancta Sapientia) is a former Orthodox patriarchal basilica, later a mosque, now a museum in Istanbul, Turkey. Famous in particular for
its massive dome, it is considered the epitome of Byzantine architecture and to have "changed the history of architecture." It was the largest cathedral in the world for nearly a thousand years, until the completion of the Seville Cathedral in 1520. The current building was originally constructed as a church between 532 and 537 A.D. on the orders of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian, and was in fact the third Church of the Holy Wisdom to occupy the site. (The previous two had both been destroyed by riots.) It was designed by Isidore of Miletus, a physicist, and Anthemius of Tralles, a mathematician. The church contained a large collection of holy relics and featured, among other things, a 15 m (49 foot) silver iconostasis. It was the seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople and the religious focal point of the Eastern Orthodox Church for nearly one thousand years. It was the church in which Cardinal Humbert in 1054 marched up to the altar and excommunicated Michael I Cerularius, which is commonly considered the start of the Great Schism.
In 1453, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks and Sultan Mehmed II ordered the building to be converted into a mosque. The bells, altar, iconostasis, and sacrificial vessels were removed, and many of the mosaics were eventually plastered over. The Islamic features — such as the mihrab, the minbar, and the four minarets outside — were added over the course of its history under the Ottomans. It remained as a mosque until 1935, when it was converted into a museum by the Republic of Turkey.
For almost 500 years the principal mosque of Istanbul, Hagia Sophia served as a model for many of the Ottoman mosques such as the Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque of Istanbul), the Şehzade Mosque, the Süleymaniye Mosque, the Rüstem Pasha Mosque, and the Kılıç Ali Paşa Mosque.
Although it is sometimes referred to as Sancta Sophia, as though it were named after a saint named Sophia (sophia being the phonetic spelling in Latin of the Greek word for wisdom), the full name in Greek is Ναός τῆς Ἁγίας τοῦ Θεοῦ Σοφίας, Church of the Holy Wisdom of God, the church being dedicated to Jesus Christ, in Eastern Orthodox theology, the Holy Wisdom of God.


First church

   Nothing remains of the first church that was built on this location, known as the Μεγάλη Ἐκκλησία (Megálē Ekklēsíā, "Great Church"), or in Latin "Magna Ecclesia".
The church was built next to the area where the imperial palace was being developed and next to the smaller church Hagia Eirene ("Holy Peace"), finished first and acting as cathedral until the Hagia Sophia was completed. The Hagia Sophia was inaugurated by Constantius II on 15 February 360. Both churches acted together as the principal churches of the Byzantine Empire.
This church was chronicled by Socrates of Constantinople (380–440), who claimed that it was built by Constantine the Great. It was built as a traditional Latin colonnaded basilica with galleries and a wooden roof. It was preceded by an atrium. This first church was then already claimed to be one of the world's most outstanding monuments.

Second church

Stone remains of the basilica ordered by Theodosius II, showing the Lamb of God

Marble blocks from the second church
     The Patriarch of Constantinople John Chrysostom came into a conflict with Empress Aelia Eudoxia, wife of the emperor Arcadius, and was sent into exile on 20 June 404. During the subsequent riots, this first church was largely burned down. A second church was ordered by Theodosius II, who inaugurated it on 10 October 415. The basilica with a wooden roof was built by architect Rufinus.
The fire that started during the tumult of the Nika Revolt resulted in the destruction of the (second) Hagia Sophia, which burned down to the ground on 13–14 January 532.
Several marble blocks from this second church have survived to the present day, and they are displayed in the garden of the current (third) church. The blocks were originally part of a monumental front entrance; they were excavated in the western courtyard by A. M. Schneider in 1935. The relief depicting 12 lambs — 12 apostles — as well as other remains of this church were discovered during excavation works in 1935. In order not to harm the present Hagia Sophia building, further excavation works were not carried out.

Third church (current structure)

Depiction of the Hagia Sophia's appearance during Byzantine times

Construction of church depicted in codex Manasses Chronicle
   On 23 February 532, only a few days after the destruction of the second basilica, Emperor Justinian I took the decision to build a third and entirely different basilica, larger and more majestic than its predecessors.
Justinian chose the physicist Isidore of Miletus and the mathematician Anthemius of Tralles as architects; Anthemius, however, died within the first year. The construction is described by the Byzantine historian Procopius' On Buildings (Peri ktismatōn, Latin: De aedificiis). The emperor had material brought from all over the empire, such as Hellenistic columns from the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. Large stones were brought from far-away quarries: porphyry from Egypt, green marble from Thessaly, black stone from the Bosporus region, and yellow stone from Syria. More than ten thousand people were employed during this construction. This new church was immediately recognized as a major work of architecture, demonstrating the creative insights of the architects. They may have used the theories of Heron of Alexandria to be able to construct a huge dome over such a large open space. The emperor, together with the patriarch Eutychius, inaugurated the new basilica on 27 December 537 with much pomp. The mosaics inside the church were, however, only completed under the reign of Emperor Justin II (565–578).
Earthquakes in August 553 and on 14 December 557 caused cracks in the main dome and the eastern half-dome to appear. The main dome collapsed completely during an earthquake on7 May 558, destroying the ambon, the altar, and the ciborium over it. The emperor ordered an immediate restoration. He entrusted it to Isidorus the Younger, nephew of Isidore of Miletus. This time he used lighter materials and elevated the dome by 6.25 metres (20.5 ft), thus giving the building its current interior height of 55.6 metres (182 ft). This reconstruction, giving the church its present sixth-century form, was completed in 562. The Byzantine poet Paul the Silentiary composed a long epic poem, still extant, known as Ekphrasis for the rededication of the basilica, presided over by Patriarch Eutychius, on 23 December 562.
Hagia Sophia was the seat of the Orthodox patriarch of Constantinople and a principal setting for Byzantine imperial ceremonies such as coronations. The basilica also offered asylum to wrongdoers. Foreign visitors were deeply impressed.
In 726 the emperor Leo the Isaurian issued a series of edicts against the veneration of images, ordering the army to destroy all icons, ushering in the period of Byzantine iconoclasm. At that time, all religious pictures and statues were removed from Hagia Sophia. After a brief reprieve under Empress Irene (797–802), the iconoclasts made a comeback. Emperor Theophilus (829–842) was strongly influenced by Islamic art, which forbids graven images. He had a two-winged bronze door with his monograms installed at the southern entrance of the church.
The basilica suffered damage, first in a great fire in 859, and again in an earthquake on 8 January 869 that made a half-dome collapse. Emperor Basil I ordered the church to be repaired.
After the great earthquake of 25 October 989, which ruined the great dome of Hagia Sophia, the Byzantine emperor Basil II asked for the Armenian architect Trdat, creator of the great churches of Ani and Agine, to repair the dome. His main repairs were to the western arch and a portion of the dome. The extent of the church's destruction meant that reconstruction lasted six years. The church was re-opened on 13 May 994.
In his book De caerimoniis aulae Byzantinae ("Book of Ceremonies"), Emperor Constantine VII (913–919) wrote about all the details of the ceremonies held in Hagia Sophia by the emperor and the patriarch.

19th Century marker of the tomb of Enrico Dandolo, the Doge of Venice who commanded the Sack of Constantinople in 1204, inside the Hagia Sophia
  Upon the capture of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade, the church was ransacked and desecrated by the Latin Christians. The Byzantine historian Niketas Choniates described the capture of Constantinople. Many reputed relics from the church, such as a stone from the tomb of Jesus, the Virgin Mary's milk, the shroud of Jesus, and bones of several saints, were sent to churches in the West and can be seen now in various museums in the West. During the Latin occupation of Constantinople (1204–1261) the church became a Roman Catholic cathedral. Baldwin I of Constantinople was crowned emperor on 16 May 1204 in Hagia Sophia, at a ceremony which closely followed Byzantine practices. Enrico Dandolo, the Doge of Venice who commanded the sack and invasion of the city by the Latin Crusaders in 1204, is buried inside the church. The tomb inscription carrying his name, which has become a part of the floor decoration, was spat upon by many of the angry Byzantines who recaptured Constantinople in 1261. However, restoration carried out during the period 1847–1849 cast doubt upon the authenticity of the doge's grave. It is more likely a symbolic burial site to keep alive his memory.
After the recapture in 1261 by the Byzantines, the church was in a dilapidated state. The four buttresses in the west were probably built during this time. In 1317, emperor Andronicus II ordered four new buttresses to be built in the eastern and northern parts of the church. After new cracks had developed in the dome after the earthquake of October 1344, several parts of the building collapsed on 19 May 1346. After that, the church remained closed until 1354, when repairs were undertaken by the architects Astras and Peralta.

the beach along alanya - konakli

here is the view of the beach along alanya and konakli. video taken from the bus on the way to konakli.

hills in the alanya

spring season is the time for fun, many people going to the hill for picnic. some of the hill still snowy in the spring and the people still can play the snow there.

snow of the spring

still snowy in the spring

still snowy in the spring

still snowy in the spring

still snowy in the spring

Alanya tersanesi (shipyard) the five eyes

Sultan Aladdin Keykubat had started the shipyard construction to make his dream to become real and become "the sultan of two seas" two years after the construction of the tower. it is the first selcuk tersane in mediterania, which was before they built in the black sea area. At the north side of the shipyard there is an epigraph and at the left side of the epigraph there is a small mosque, at the right side there is a dormitory for the soldiers.
When you enter you can see the small holes, each one of them is 7.70 in width and 42.30 in length. These holes are tied to each other with arcs. One of these holes used to be a well. But now it is filled with waste.

This shipyard was active during the Ottoman period. But today it is abandoned to loneliness and it is trying to still stand.

the 5 eyes (picture taken from the harbour)

the 5 eyes (picture taken from the harbour)

the 5 eyes (picture taken from the harbour)

alanya castle

Alanya Castle (Alanya Kalesi) is a medieval castle in the southern Alanya. Most of the castle was built in the 13th century under the Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm following the city's conquest in 1220 by Alaeddin Keykubad I as part of a building campaign that included the Kızıl Kule. This castle was built on the remnants of earlier Byzantine era and Roman era fortifications.

The castle is located 250 meters high on a rocky peninsula jutting into the Mediterranean Sea, which protects it from three sides stretch 6500 meters and have 140 towers. After the area was pacified under the Ottoman Empire, the castle ceased to be purely defensive, and numerous villas were built inside the walls during the 19th century.

Today the castle is an open air museum. Access to the seaward castle is ticketed, but much of the area inside the wall, including the landward castle is open to the general public.

alanya castle (picture taken from my balcony)

alanya castle (picture taken from my balcony)

Alanya Tourism & Art Festival 9th

Alanya Tourism & art Festival is an annualy event which is this year held 4 days (30 May - 2 June), located as usually at the harbour area.

in the festival, there are bazzar and stage performance. many stands in the bazzar such as tourism stands, old photo exhibition (old photos about alanya), handycraft stands, and of course turkish food selling stands.

in the stage performance shows the turkish folklore dance and folklore dance from the neighbour country such as georgia.

and there are some concerts held in the red tower and the city hall backyard to made the festival more alive.

tourism and art festival in alanya is need to be held every year to attract more tourist to come to alanya.

kuyularönü mosque alanya

kuyularönü mosque

kuyularönü mosque is one of the old mosque in alanya. this mosque built in 1470. being restore in 1765, 1942, and 2005.
this is one of the famous place for tourist to visit. many tourist visit this mosque. there are rules for visitor to entry this mosque (writing in 4 languages), the rules are:
  1. please take off your shoes before you enter the mosque
  2. women shouldn't go into the mosque without covering their head and legs
  3. men shouldn't enter the mosque wearing shorts
  4. no photos allowed while praying

the rules

there are some scarves hanging on the hanger near to the mosque entrance. it is provide for women who need the scarves.

5 stars hotels in alanya

Hotels Addresses
Alaiye Resort & Spa
(All in one)
telp: +90-242-5174373 (pbx)
fax: +90-242-5174382
email: mailto:info@aliye.com.tr
web: http://www.alaiye.com.tr/
Alara park hotelincekum
Web: http://www.alarahotels.com.tr/
Aydınbey gold dreams
(All in one)
Türkler beldesi, alanya
telp: +90-242-5376363
fax: +90-242-5376265
email: aydinbey@aydinbeyresorts.com
web: http://www.aydinbeyresorts.com/
Beach club doğanay
(all in one)
Web: http://www.doaganayotel.com/
Bera alanya hotel
(all in one)
Web: http://www.bera.com.tr/
Botanik hotel
(all in one)
Web: http://www.botanikotel.com.tr/
Delphin deluxe
(all in one)
Web: http://www.delphinhotel.com/
Dinler hotel
(all in one)
Web: http://www.dinler.com/
Goldcity hotel mahmutlar
Web: http://www.golcity.com.tr/
Grand kaptan hotel oba
Web: http://www.kaptanhotels.com/
Incekum beach resort hotel incekum
Web: http://www.incekumbeachresort.com/
Kemalbay hotelkonaklı
Web: http://www.altigroup.com/
Long beach resort hotel incekum
Web: http://www.hotellongbeachresort.com/
Özkaymak hotelincekum
Web: http://www.ozkaymak.com.tr/
Royal vikingen resort hotelkonaklı
Web: http://www.royalvikingen.com/
Rubi hotelincekum
Web: http://www.rubiotel.com/
Serapsu beach resort hotelkonaklı
Web: http://www.aranciaresort.com.tr/
Stella beach hotelalara
Web: http://www.hotelstellabeach.com/
Sultan sipahi resort hotelkelpoatra beach area

Web: http://www.sultansipahiresort.com/
Timo resort hotelkonaklı
Web: http://www.hoteltimo.com/

baking dictionary in turkey

Joley Jelly

krem şanti

whipped cream

Kabartma tozu Baking powder
Kakao Cocoa, cacao
* yaş maya
* aktif kuru maya
* instant kuru maya
* köy mayası (ekşi maya)
Peynir Cheese
Reçel Jam
* esmer şekeri
* pudra şekeri

* toz şekeri
* brown sugar
* caster/castor sugar, powdered sugar, confectioner's sugar
* sugar
Soda, karbonat Baking soda, carbonate
Süt Milk
Vaniliya Vanila
Yoğurt Yoghurt
Yumurta Egg
flour and starch
İrmik Semolina
Un Wheat flour
Mısır unu Corn flour
Pirinç unu Rice flour
Galeta unu
Nişasta Starch
Buğday nişasta Wheat starch
Mısır nişasta Corn starch

4 stars hotels in alanya

Akropol hotel oba
Web: www.akropolhotel.com
Alaiye hotel kleopatra beach area

Web: www.alaiye.com.tr
Alara hotel incekum
Web: www.alaragroup.com
Ananas hotel alanya city centrum Web:www.ananasotel.com
Aitas hotel konaklı
web: www.hotelanitas.com
Antik hotel incekum
web: www.hotelantik.com
Antique roman palce hotel oba
web: www.antiqueromanpalace.com
Aska baran hotel incekum
web: www.askahotels.com
Asrın beach hotel incekum
Blue sky hotel alanya city centrum

Blue star hotel kleopatra beach area

Club dizalya hotel konaklı
Club paradiso oba
Dreams beach hotel kleopatra beach area

Drita hotel mahmutlar
Eftalia resort hotel konaklı
Elysee hotel alanya city centrum

Gardenia hotel kleopatra beach area

Grand bali hotel kleopatra beach area
Grand zaman hotel kleopatra beach area
Happy elegance hotel mahmutlar
telp: +90-242-5283044-45
Hotel grand okan kleopatra beach area
Justianiano club park conti hotel alara
Kleopatra beach hotel kleopatra beach area
telp: +90 242 513 7294,

+90 242 511 9840
Kleopatra royal palm hotel kleopatra beach area
telp: +90 242 511 9517,

+90 242 511 6812
Konaktepe hotel konaklı
telp: +90 242 565 1717,

+90 242 565 1727
Köşdere hotel incekum
Krizantem katya hotel oba
telp: +90 242 514 3090
Krizantem hotel oba
Lonicera hotel incekum
Magnolia hotel incekum
Maritim hotel clun alantur oba
Mc mahberi beach hotel konaklı
Merlin beach hotel oba
Mirador hotel konaklı
Özkaymak alaadin hotel www.ozkaymakhotels.com
Panorama hotel alanya city centrum

Polat alara hotel alara
Primer residence / sea sight hotel oba
Rheme beach hotel konaklı
telp: +90 242 565 0057
Riviera hotel kleopatra beach area
Royal garden hotel konaklı
Saphir hotel konaklı
Saritaş hotel oba
Sonas alpina hotel mahmutlar
Sugar beach hotel mahmutlar
telp: +90 242 528 5790
Taksim international obaköy hotel oba
Titan garden hotel konaklı
Top hotel incekum
White city beach hotel konaklı
Yetkin hotel konaklı

3 stars hotels in alanya

Alara West hotel incekum
Web: www.alaragroup.com
Albayrak hotel oba
Web: www.albayrakotel.com
Alin hotel kleopatra beach area
Web: www.alinhotel.com
Aroma hotel alara
Artemis princess hotel oba
web: www.artemisprincess.net
Aspendos ulusoy hotel incekum
web: www.aspendoshotel.com
Atlanta hotel mahmutlar
Azak beach hotel kleopatra beach area
web: www.azakbeach.com
Azak hotel kleopatra beach area
Banana club hotel alanya city centrum
Bilkay hotel kleopatra beach area
Blue diamond alya hotel oba
Blue fish hotel konaklı
boulevard hotel alanya city center
Caretta beach hotel konaklı
Celine hotel kleopatra beach area
Club insula hotel konaklı
Club titan hotel mahmutlar
Club turtaş hotel konaklı
Eftalia aytur hotel alanya city center
Elysee beach hotel kleopatra beach area
Fatih hotel alanya city center
Gardenia beach hotel incekum
Gold hotel alanya city center
Grand atilla hotel oba
Green peace hotel mahmutlar
Güral hotel kleopatra beach area
Hatipoğlu hotel kleopatra beach area
Kahya hotel kleopatra beach area
Kandelor hotel kleopatra beach area
Karat hotel alanya city center
Kleopatra beste hotel kleopatra beach area
Kleopatra inn hotel kleopatra beach area
Kleopatra life hotel kleopatra beach area
Kleopatra micador hotel kleopatra beach area
Kleopatra hotel kleopatra beach area
Kolibri hotel incekum
Melissa Kleopatra beach hotel kleopatra beach area
Mesuthotel oba
Miray hotel kleopatra beach area
Monte carlo hotel oba
My aytap hotel alanya city center
Neray hotel alanya city center
Palm can hotel oba
Palmera kleopatra beach hotel kleopatra beach area
Palmiye beach hotel kleopatra beach area
Parador hotel alanya city center
Remi hotel kleopatra beach area
Sara hotel kleopatra beach area
Saray beach hotel kleopatra beach area
Sea port hotel alanya city center
Sun maritim hotel incekum
Sunny hill alya hotel kleopatra beach
Sun time hotel alanya city center
Şavkhotel kleopatra beach area
Wasahotel alanya city center
Wien Terbilek hotel alanya city center
Yalihan hotel incekum

2 stars hotels in alanya

Alaadin beach hotel kleopatra beach area
Aurora hotel kleopatra beach area
Web: www.aurora-hotel.com
Balık hotel kleopatra beach area
Web: www.balikhotel.com
Bavyera hotel kleopatra beach area
Carina hotel kleopatra beach
web: www.carinaotel.com
Çimen hotel alanya city centrum
web: www.otelcimen.com
Golden sun hotel kleopatra beach area
Göltur hotel alanya city centrum
web: www.fmgpalmera.com
International hotel alanya city centrum
Kleoptra bebek hotel kleopatra beach area
Kleopatra golden beach hotel kleopatra beach area
Kleoptra ikiz hotel kleopatra beach area
Kleopatra princess hotel kleopatra beach area
Telp : +90 242 512 8091
Ladin hotel alanya city centrum
Merhaba hotel alanya city centrum
Telp : +90 242 513 12 51
Midi hotel alanya city centrum
Özcan hotel kleopatra beach area
Park hotel alanya city centrum
Pınar hotel alanya city centrum
Şevkibey hotel oba
Uzel hotel kleopatra beach area

Apart Hotels in alanya

Akya apart hotel oba
Alaya apart hotel alanya city centrum
Web: www.alayaapart.com
Anahtar apart hotel kleopatra beach area
Web: www.anahtarotel.com
Ark apart hotel alanya city centrum
Cleo mare güngör hotel kleopatra beach
web: www.cleomare.com
Club mavic apart hotel alara
Telp : +90 242 514 3303,
+90 242 514 0343
Club mermaid village hotel incekum
Elysee garden apart hotel alanya city centrum
web: www.erkaptanhotel.com
Erkaptan apart hotel alanya city centrum
Grand uysal apart hotel oba
Green garden apart hotel oba
Hakdem bonaparte apart hotel alanya city centrum
Margarita apart hotel alanya city centrum
Narcis apart hotel alanya city centrum
Telp. +90 242 512 5490
Okan Tower apart hotel alanya city centrum
Özdemir apart hotel alanya city centrum
Telp. +90 242 522 1141
Riviera apart hotel kleopatra beach area
Sunpark beach hotel alanya city centrum
Sunway apart hotel alanya city centrum
Toros apart hotel alanya city centrum
Villa sun flower apart hotel kleopatra beach area
Yeniacun apart hotel kleopatra beach area

1 star hotels in alanya

Güvenir hotel alanya city centrum
Telp. +90 242 513 1314
Huzuray hotel alanya city centrum
Web: www.huzuray.com

illegal street vendors & 500 lira

the purchase of items from the illegal street vendors
(who are not licenced from the local municipality)
or from underaged children shall be punished
by a fine in the amount of 500 lira

tulips of the spring in alanya

the flowers has blossomed in the spring season. including the tulips.
there are tulips grown at the park near to the beach of alanya.
i saw 3 beautiful colors of tulips which are red, white, and yellow. this spring (2009) is the first time i saw tulips in the reality. usually i saw it in the picture or in the tv programme. tulips are really beautiful.

people around the world thinks that tulips come from holland. actually, tulips are native to central asia and turkey. in the 16th century they were brought to holland from turkey and quickly became widely popular. today tulips are cultivated in holland in a great numbers and in huge fields. dutch bulbs, including tulips and daffodils are exported all around the world so people thinks that its originated from there as wel. in fact many cultivated vaieties were widely grown in turkey long before they were introduced to european gardens.
(source: http://www.us-tr.com/)

before the almonds

as we know that flowers are blossomed in the spring season
and also the fruits. same as the almond.

before it is hard to be almond, when it still green and soft,
we can eat the fruits. turkish people called it çağla.
usually they it the çağla with the salt.

42 degree celcius

ohhh it is really hot hot and hot. watching the news last night, it said that the weather in antalya province is 42 degree celcius. it is the hotest year of summer. since sunday last week the hot weather was very bad.
still from the last nite news that istanbul is 40 degree. but opposite with diyarbakir 36 degree which is the hottest city in turkey.

the almonds

when çağla skin become hard and brown, it means çağlas are become almonds. normally in the early summer they are ready to be harvest.

break the hard skin then you can eat the almonds. almonds are delicious to be eat after fried them without oil.

sea water for sweat rash medicine

in the summer time, the weather in alanya is very very hot and humid. making us very sweat. and sometimes appear pink dots at the skin which is itchy. that skin disease calls miliaria rubra (sweat rash, heat rash, or prickly heat). this disease can be affects people of all ages but it is especially common to the children and infants due to their underdeveloped sweat glands.

same as my daughter. since she was baby, every summer sweat rash always disturbing her. according to information from the local people of alanya (which is alanya is a seaside resort city), they said that sea water can cure sweat rash. before i did not belive it, but now when my daughter 3 years old and still i found sweat rash at her skin. we took her to the beach for swimming, it is true that her skin clean from the sweat rash.

with this experience, i suggest to everyone whom have problem with sweat rash to take shower/bath by sea water or directly swimming on the beach.

boutique bazzar in alanya

there is salı pazar in alanya (salı = tuesday). it called salı pazar because it held every tuesday. salı pazar provide clothing and house textiles needs. thats why the other names of salı pazar is butik pazar (boutique bazzar). the prices in salı pazar is cheaper than shops.

located at sugozu mahallesi, near to can* hospital and toptancı hall.

*can: read jan, means life

blue flag beaches of Alanya

here are the beaches in the city of alanya with the blue flag award:
  • damlataş public beach
  • keykubat beach
  • kleopatra east beach
  • kleopatra west beach
those beaches got the blue flag award because they meets the 29 criteria covering the aspects of:
1) Environmental Education and Information
2) Water Quality
3) Environmental Management
4) Safety and Services

underpass at konaklı centrum

sometime in friday I went to konaklı with daughter and mom in law to visit father in law shop. when we will catch a bus to go home, we must accross the main road therefore we must accross through the underpass.

stepping down the stairs

souvenir counter is in the corner

under the street

history of Alanya castle

history of alanya castle is connected with the history of the city itself. because the city has changed hands many times over the centuries,and so did the alanya castle. it was owned by the conqueror of the city.

alanya castle lies on the rocky peninsula jutting into the sea. because this peninsula is difficult to be reach by the land or sea therefore it is easy to defend. for many centuries the alanya castle has been home for human settlement.

the first time in the hellenistic period, the top of the peninsula was furnished with a defensive wall. in subsequent centuries, additions were made. the last being the magnificent castle that we can see today which was built by the seljuks.

the city was known as korakesion (coracesium) in ancient times. until the 2nd century BC it retained its independence in the face of numerous attacks. it was survive by the strengt of the geographic situation.

by the 2nd century BC the city was ruled by one diodotos tryphon. the part of defensive wall in the middle sector that stretches from the shrine of arap evliyasi to the ehmedek is thought to date from the reign of tryphon. it is easily distinguishable by the size of the stone blocks and its mortar-less construction.

by the 1st century BC the city had become a pirate haven. it was taken by the romans under the leadership of pompei in 65 BC.

the history of korakesion in the byzantine period is largerly unknown. we don't know that the city in this era became knows as kolonoros (beautiful mountain). some structures still survive from the byzantine period. these are the 11th century church in the citadel, the church called arap evliyasi. a monastery near the tip of civarda point and round towers that run in a line towards the citadel in the middle sector of the castle.

in the 13th century AD the city was in the hands of a christian named kir fard who gave it to seljuk sultan alaadin keykubad in exchange for the governorship of akşehir. under the seljuks alanya began its most resplendent era.

the city took a new name alaiye after the name of seljuk sultan who acquired it and it continued to be called alaiyye until the time of the turkish republic ataturk change its name to be alanya.

with the collapse of the seljuk dynasty, control of alanya passed to the karamanoğlu dynasty in 1293. there are buildings with inscriptions in alanya that date to this period. in 1427 the city was sold to the egyptian mamluk dynasty for 5000 pieces of gold.

in 1471 alanya became a part of the ottoman empire when it was conquered by gedik ahmet paşa. the suleymnaiye mosque and bedesten in the castle are important remains from the ottoman period.

the oldest known inscription in the castle dates to 1226 and 1232.

the top of the castle has many examples of urban civil and religious architecture with mosque churches, cistern, market buildings, baths, etc.

alanya castle is also notable for preserved examples of domestic architecture from the late 19th and 20th centuries. the wall stretch 6500 meters and have 140 towers. the wall and towers have chemins de ronde for the easy movement of the troops. in addition, towers were furnished with crenellations and loopholes.

different sectors of three major wall sectors: the outer, middle and inner sectors. the outer sector stretches up the hill, from the red tower to the ehmedek and the arap evliyasi tower and then again back down towards the sea. it contains such important seljuk period buildings as the red tower, the shipyard and tophane tower.

the middle sector runs between the wall of arap evliyasi tower and the citadel (içkale) in the middle sector are the aksebe turbesi (tomb) a bathhouse and the ehmedek, a small landward citadel all dating from the seljuk period the suleymaniye mosque and bedesten from the ottoman period and the late Byzantine chapel known as arap evliyasi.

the citadel is located on the highest point of the peninsula at its southeast. it was the last refuge and strong-point for the entire castle. as such it always seems to have had a military character. it contains many structures including a palace belonging to the sultan or other important personage barracks depots and cistern from the seljuk period an 11th century byzantine church and a cistern with the colorful name of adamatacağı "hurling place"

Alanya Castle in a Glance (inner part)

it have been 5 years i am living in Alanya and just now (summer 2010) i have a chance to visit Alanya castle. in the night my toursit friend (norwegian) saw the castle from the balcony of my house, they asked "what is that?" and i replied "that is Alanya caslte" they continue the question "can we visit there and take many pictures" i replied "yes you can". then i asked permission to my husband to take them to the castle. then my husband gave me premission. then we decide to go to castle tomorow morning. i am become a tourist guide to the place that i never visited in the previous :D even i never visit the castle but i knew about it by reading through the internet. so when i come there, it seems that i have been there for many times ^_^

the trip began from the centrum of  Alanya. since my house is on the kuturup hill, so from my house we took the bus heading to the centrum. from the centrun we took the bus heading to the castle with the tariff 1,25 TL. then we will go off the bus at the final destination which is just in front of the inner castle.

buying the entry ticket 10 TL per person (adult), small children under 5 yo does not have to pay for ticket. the ticketing man was cheating me. i show my daughter (4 yo) to him, to know whether she must pay for ticket or not. then the man say yes she must pay. then i bought 4 tickets (for me, daughter and 2 norway tourist). then we heading to the entry gate. the man in duty is there. he checked our ticket and insert it into machine. i show him the 2 tickets. then he asked me whether the other ticket is for my daughter and i reply "yes". then he allow us to enter and asked me to wait there "lady wait" he said. then he went into the ticketing room and comeback with the 10 TL. he gave me back the 10 TL. OMG thanks to God and thanks to him that my money is back :D



the ticket

then we start to explore the inner castle. we took many pictures and we amaze by the fantastic view of Alanya.
one of the fantastic view

first of all we look to the map that stands near to the gate. from that map we will know where we are that time. and near to the gate we can see another map about the whole castle (inner and outer) and the history of the castle in 3 language (turkish, english, and deutch). then we walking on the wood line until "adam atacağı". adam atacağı was a jail in the past. from there a little bit woodline for few meters forward then no wood line anymore. it seem like we walk in the forest because no fixed line to walk. we can see many ruins inside the castle and there is area that we cant enter because it is excavation area. many "sarnıç" which is water supply in the past. then we will finish the walk at the same point that we started.

the gate

inner castle map


one of the cistern

excavation area




no woodlines anymore

back to start